Take a Daily Walk
Here's a tip on how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life: WALK.We're not talking about taking the time out of your busy schedule to work out -- that's important, too -- but infusing life- and limb-saving movement into your waking hours.
"Just move. Pace during phone calls, while you're brushing your teeth, while watching your son's soccer game," says Bryant, noting that every 20 steps a person takes is 1 calorie burned.
An eight-year study of 13,000 people also showed that people who walked 30 minutes daily had a significantly reduced chance of premature death compared with those who rarely exercised, reports the American Council on Exercise.
And there are plenty of opportunities to move those legs:
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Walk to the store.
- Window shop at the mall.
- Leave your desk and visit your co-worker instead of sending him an email.
- Walk and talk with friends instead of meeting for a meal.